Pisces Horoscope For March 2014

Even after the Sun leaves your sign on the 23rd March, don’t be surprised if you don’t know what you want from your new solar year, let alone be in a position to make up your mind or commit to a game plan. This doesn’t stop you from getting the ball rolling, but there is a need to remain open to a change of heart and/or mind, expecting that this will be the case. This frees you up from the pressure that sometimes comes with a new solar year, with a fear that if you get it wrong at the start, you'll remain out of sync for the rest of the year. With Venus due to spend the majority of April in your sign, trust that when the time comes you'll know exactly what you want from the future, which is always the hardest part. This allows you take a more relaxed approach to things and with Venus spending the majority of the month in a nostalgic part of your chart, to take a trip down love’s memory lane. Venus will return there during lucky Jupiter’s last full day in retrograde motion in your romantic sector and while the doors to the past are still open. Meanwhile, it’s not just the love gods that will be active this month, but the money gods as well, especially when it comes to income opportunities.
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