Pisces Horoscope December 2013
December 2013 will be a month with nice professional perspectives, because the Sun and Mercury will pass through Pisces’ house of career.
The Sun will place you in the center of attention, will enhance your prestige and authority and could bring you praise, prizes, applause. Mercury will come up with ingenious ideas and will see that you have the chance to be noticed for your skill, speech, writing or intellectual procedures. The Sun-Mercury combination will project an image of you as a competent and self-confident person.
It is still in December 2013 that Jupiter, the ruler of your sign and also the ruler of Pisces’ career, will form a perfect trine with Saturn. This aspect will be wonderful for setting long-term objectives and for building strategies, it can lead to making some important decisions and can initiate a stable professional collaboration relationship with somebody from far away.
For those interested in studies, research or creation, editing or publishing work, the Jupiter-Saturn trine will be a good sign, encouraging perfection and success.
Pisces' relationships will unwind after December 5th 2013, when Mercury, the ruler of Pisces' house of couples, will enter Sagittarius.
It'll be a great relief, after Mercury was in Scorpio's tense sign for two months and almost permanently around Saturn; even more, it was also retrograde for a while.
Mercury's transit in Scorpio seems to have generated enough frustrations and brought a lot of Pisces people complications in the relationship with the person by their side or related to them. Now, however, the atmosphere will be more relaxed, will become more optimist and flourishing.
Moreover, another event that will bring joy will take place in the sky: Jupiter, located in Pisces' house of love and eroticism, will form a trine precisely with Saturn. The significance of this aspect will have to do with stability, trust and reliability and can be at the base of some wise sentimental decisions, with long-term effects.
On the other hand, a possible affair that might start now will have chances to last.
Pisces' sentimental accomplishments in December 2013 will basically be connected with trips, distances, intellectual, cultural or spiritual preoccupations.
Note:Financially, you’ll step into a period that will require caution.