
Wednesday 9 April 2014

Pisces colors

                     Pisces Colors

The Pisces colors that are considered to be lucky include mauve, shades of purple, sea green and silver
For a Pisces to remain balanced, both mentally and physically, it is advised to keep sea green and aqua colors nearby.
Wear green shades when you want to view the world from a new perspective. It is not advised to wear the color green when you are confused about the next step in your life’s journey. Green is a combination of yellow and blues color hues.
In some cultures and languages, there is not a word that separates the colors blue and green – they are considered to be the same.
Blue is not a color that should be worn when you are feeling depressed, lonely and/or sad. Blue should be worn when you want to feel calm and centered, and have something important to communicate to the world.
Silver is a color that neutralizes negative feeling and replaces positive energy in the space, it also enhances perseverance and patience.
Especially during full and new moons, the color silver has been said to aid the energy in other stones and crystals.
Similar to when a caterpillar will retreat into their cocoon before the major transformation into a beautiful butterfly, the color purple (or violet) provides this same concept to individuals born between February 19th and March 20th. It is beneficial to surround yourself with these hues when you are ready to experience a major change in your life.
Violet is not the color shade to wear when you are in mourning and suffering from a great loss. Violet should be worn when you are seeking your life’s dream and purpose or deciding to make a major change that will have a direct impact on your daily routine.
The colors of purple will bring about sleep, ease emotional and mental stress, and reduce the desire to be sexually active.
Colors, when used during mediation and healing rituals, may bring about change on the mental, emotional and physical levels.
The colors that we are drawn to will bring balance to our lives, and should be incorporated into our home décor, the clothing we wear and even the food that we consume.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Pisces Horoscope For April 2014

Pisces Horoscope For April 2014

You have reached a month where, while a lot of things will feel very familiar for this time of year, there are enough differences to make this anything but a carbon copy reprint of every other April. Yes, you will return to find the Sun in your income sector, with his position here until the 20th April part of the annual pattern, throwing the solar spotlight on your income options and choices and a chance to update your expectations and a sense of entitlement across all the currencies in your life. This year you have Mercury move through from the 8th April to the 23rd April, giving you the smart head for money needed to bring home every advantage. However, what is not normal for this time of year, apart from the 3 years that you had Saturn in your financial sector, from October 2009 to October 2012, is the focus to also be on money matters.
Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos returned to your financial sector in early December, yet rather than move on 6 weeks later he’s still here, ensuring that your financial passions and fighting spirit are fired up with a total lunar eclipse falling here on the 15th April, the first since 1996. This makes this a month where the money gods are especially active, both in terms of income and money matters. Yet you will find it hard to make it all about the money, not if Venus, planet of love, desire and attraction has her way. Last year Venus had already moved through your sign and was gone by this time of year, but due to her retrograde phase earlier in the year she’s running behind schedule and you get to benefit. Returning on the 6th April, where she’ll stay for the rest of the month, Venus is giving you some unexpected opportunities to follow your heart and to make matters of the heart a priority. This is Venus’ only visit to your sign during lucky Jupiter’s 12 month visit to your romantic sector, with the planet of love knowing exactly how to make these weeks count. This will see the love and money gods fight for your attention this month, making it important to keep the communication lines open.


Tuesday 18 March 2014

Pisces Careers

Pisces Careers

Pisces are creative individuals and Pisces careers should be suited to use the vision and the imagination of these individuals.  Careers that are structured are usually not suited for Pisces, as they prefer to have freedom in their careers, but it needs to be something that will generate enough income to meet their expenses.
This career choice may be extreme, but due to the fact that many Pisces spend a great deal of time in silent reflection, staying quiet (in prayer) for long periods of time should be an easy transition.  The positive side of this career is that an individual born between February 20th and March 20th no longer has to worry about paying rent or other living expenses.
A lighthouse keeper is a tough Pisces career to snag, but it is the perfect setting if they did.  They would not have to deal with a daily commute, and the time spent alone with the sea is very compelling to a Pisces – the Fish.
A bartender is a good Pisces career choice, because they love to create a tasty drink and make people happy.  A bar environment is usually fun and relaxed; except when the time comes to “flex some muscle”.  Although Pisces do enjoy time alone, they have a unique talent for keeping a tipsy customer in line, and not causing havoc and disturbing other patrons.
Pisces have a unique view of the world, and they have the ability to capture everything from the very beautiful, to the very bizarre from behind the camera lens.  With the digital technology of today, they can also make “adjustments” and enhancements to their photos.
Keeping with the theme of imagination and viewing the world in a unique way, making an alternative universe through film is a great Pisces career.  Pisces have a great eye, but they will need an assistance to keep them organized and make the production happen.  One famous Pisces filmmaker would be Steven Spielberg, which will provide you with an example of the creative talent that a Pisces has within them, and that is just dying to get out and show the world.
Be assured, many animators would fall under the horoscope sign of Pisces.  This career requires a high degree of concentration, imagination, and a working knowledge of the latest technology.  The challenge of this Pisces career is staying focused, and also staying healthy, as there is the possibility that their diet might consist of an unhealthy combination of fast food and coffee when meeting a tight deadline.
Pisces love to offer assistance to others, especially when they have tackled their own demons.  This Pisces career requires excellent listening skills, understanding and compassion, without the need of using the underhanded methods of manipulation.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Pisces and Money

Pisces and Money

When it comes to money and finance, a fellow Pisces would be found daydreaming about possible ball gowns or cars. These people need a serious dose of reality. They have to see the big picture, the real picture that is bestowed upon them. As soon as they learn to control their minds and stick to one task accordingly, they will only then begin to see positive results. They are eccentric but nonetheless, wise. It just takes time for these people to get their goals prioritized and ultimately carried out. Patience is a virtue; this quote is something that every Pisces would be wise to listen to every now and again. Work requires time and effort. Once a Pisces is focused on that idea they will triumph over any business related venture.Pisces is the ultimate dream symbol of the zodiac. These people want it all, and have a wild imagination when it comes to fantasies and money. However, their dreamy spirit might delude them into the reality of life. They may dream, but won’t act upon their goals. In addition, their changeable nature encourages these fish to have diverging personalities, where there is no stable force. Nonetheless, once Pisces realize who they are and how to deal with their unique qualities, they will profit from their dualistic perspectives, business wise.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, making these people exceptionally intuitive about everything, including money. They can sense where there is a good business deal. This comes to great aid to these individuals, desperate to live on in their dreamworld. Pisces are also able to handle money. When married, a Pisces and their partner would be well off financially, as managing money is appealing to a Pisces. These people are able to choose partners with money. Call it their instinct, but they are usually right. If a partner with money is what a Pisces dreams about, they will have it, once they take action of course.
Pisces have many goals in this lifetime. Money is a significant contribution to their well being and happiness. It completes them and their dreams. Work is a fragile topic, as these individuals need to believe in something. Therefore, in choosing a career, there people would be wise to find something that speaks to them so they can continue and make the most out of their specialization. To a fellow Pisces, work not only defines them, but inspires them to make the world a better place. Essentially, they live to work on something and make it better. They look for careers that are socially needed. Once they find a motivating spirit to dedicate their lives to a certain issue, they will be happy to have their lives fulfilled.
Pisces work best alone, following their hearts and creating their own rules and regulations. A quiet, calm, and soothing environment would do wonders for a Pisces at work. Once they are left to themselves, they will inspire the world by taking on one social cause at a time.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Pisces Horoscope For March 2014

             Pisces Horoscope For March 2014

Whether you are a February or a March born Pisces this is your month, with the Sun not leaving your sign until the 23rd March and your birthday month in full swing. What is missing this year is any urgency, despite the fact that the month will begin with a New Moon in your sign on the 1st March and the call this will always bring to draw a new line in the sand. Yet while Mercury returned to your sign on the 1st February to begin the job of getting your head around your options, as he retrograded back out again and won’t return until the 18th March and with your heart not becoming engaged until Venus returns early next month, all you are doing at this stage is exploring your options. Until heart and mind become engaged, which they won’t fully do until early next month, it is far too early to commit to the promises and expectations you would normally commit to during your birthday month.
Even after the Sun leaves your sign on the 23rd March, don’t be surprised if you don’t know what you want from your new solar year, let alone be in a position to make up your mind or commit to a game plan. This doesn’t stop you from getting the ball rolling, but there is a need to remain open to a change of heart and/or mind, expecting that this will be the case. This frees you up from the pressure that sometimes comes with a new solar year, with a fear that if you get it wrong at the start, you'll remain out of sync for the rest of the year. With Venus due to spend the majority of April in your sign, trust that when the time comes you'll know exactly what you want from the future, which is always the hardest part. This allows you take a more relaxed approach to things and with Venus spending the majority of the month in a nostalgic part of your chart, to take a trip down love’s memory lane. Venus will return there during lucky Jupiter’s last full day in retrograde motion in your romantic sector and while the doors to the past are still open. Meanwhile, it’s not just the love gods that will be active this month, but the money gods as well, especially when it comes to income opportunities.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Pisces Horoscope For February 2014

                     Pisces Horoscope For February 2014            

While you will always have to wait until the Sun’s return to your sign on the 19th February for the official start of your birthday month and new solar year, within the very early hours of the month it’s going to feel like you've had a head start and while this will ultimately prove to be a false start, this will buy you some valuable insight that will prove invaluable in the long run. That head start comes from Mercury’s return to your sign on the 1st February, giving you a chance to get your head in the game and to shift your mental focus towards opening new doors, 18 days before your birthday month even begins. However, the false alarm will sound when Mercury turns retrograde on the 7th February and then retrogrades back out on the 13th February, returning to help the Sun and the wind down of your current solar year. Yet Mercury will return with a wealth of ideas, a mental take on the conditions in your new solar year, before it even begins and while the Sun is still winding down your old solar year.
This is akin to being given a chance to travel into the future, have a look around and then come back to the drawing board armed with a mix of foresight and hindsight. That means that when the Sun does return to your sign and kicks off your new solar year, you won’t be going in blind. In the meantime, you have an important month for money matters, with your financial passions and fighting spirit not only still being inflamed by Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos, but slowing down ahead of his retrograde turn early next month this looks to be a campaign that will dominate at least the first half of 2014. Venus, on the other hand, is on a mission to make February a fun, social and serendipitous month, having spent the whole of January waking you up to what you've been missing out on. In the meantime, a Full Moon in your work sector on the 15th February will help you to tap into some interesting developments on the income front.


Wednesday 1 January 2014

Pisces Horoscope For 2014

                    Pisces Horoscope For 2014

2014 is the year of major transformation and rebirth, Pisces. You’re about to undertake such a massive personal renovation project that your inner world will never quite look or feel the same. Of course, this will in turn revolutionize your outer world in the most fantastic ways imaginable. The first half of the year continues to celebrate romance and pleasure in a big and fabulous fashion. The overwhelming abundance of love that started crashing into your dreamy world last summer will continue to flourish straight through July. It’s not a question of falling madly in love — it’s a question of why it seems to be a daily occurrence. The spell won’t be broken until summer, so enjoy this incredible fantasy. Once summer comes you may have to choose and commit.
This lovely Jupiter influence has also been spectacular for your creative life, and will continue to be for the first half of the year. Consider this your second (or third or fourth) childhood as you’re being reminded how much fun it is to play!
Perhaps the best news is that your work is about to totally take off this summer, Pisces. If you’ve been in a bit of an uninspired slump, mope no more! Lucky and generous Jupiter will be moving into your work zone to bring you more work opportunities than you can possibly handle. You’ll have to choose carefully, or you may not sleep until 2015. This is also the year to strive for more balance in all life arenas — especially with money. You’re over owing anyone anything, and this is the year to start putting your creative talents into wiping out as much debt as possible. You know how to manifest like nobody’s business but often forget to put such magic into practice. Once you get a vision about something, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes reality, Pisces.
Career & Finance
The stars are demanding that you find your passion and get practical about it, Pisces. You’re a gypsy and a total free spirit by nature, but this year you’re being asked to concentrate your energies and really focus on your passion. Yes, this means coming down from dreamland and getting serious about your career goals, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use those amazing visions you have while sleeping or daydreaming. In fact, the more you use them this year, the more powerful your career. The point is not to keep them separate. Why keep one of your best assets in the closet? You know how to work the powers of visualization better than anyone, and with Neptune and Chiron still cruising through your stars this year, you’re the master at turning imagery into profit. Money tends to be the least of your priorities, but you’re realizing it certainly doesn’t hurt. You prefer glamour and experience, but why not get paid a handsome salary for your talents? Of course you’ll just generously shower any wealth you accumulate on your loved ones — but that should be all the more incentive to excel in your career in 2014.
The planet of wealth and abundance moves into your work sector this summer, so get ready for a pile-up of projects, Pisces. You’ll wonder how it was that you ever complained about not having enough work. This phase — from July until the end of the year — is guaranteed to keep you so busy, you’ll be challenged to keep your head above water. Time management is key to keeping afloat because the demands will be a bit overwhelming — exhilarating but overwhelming, nonetheless. Be sure to get plenty of rest, and strive toward more balance in your life despite your hectic schedule. Refuse to let your health suffer as a result of working harder than ever. Don’t forget you’re hypersensitive to the energies around you and thus require copious amounts of downtime to replenish your energy and imagination. Sleep and bubble baths are essential to a Pisces for maintaining a successful career.
Love & Relationships
The outrageously delicious romantic influence that began last summer continues for the first half of the year. Be sure to take advantage of this amorous time to celebrate your current love or to attract a new flame. Either way, the love energy is still peaking until July. Jupiter is a very generous planet and will be gracing your romance and pleasure sector, kissing your stars right up until summer. Nesting and romance could easily feel intertwined under this influence. Your instincts to nurture and be nurtured are exceptionally strong until Jupiter switches out of your sister Water sign in July.
Saturn continues his tour through sexy Scorpio this year, making another sweet and supportive aspect to your very own watery stars. You’re learning deep lessons about commitment, passion and facing your deepest fears when it comes to intimate relationships. You may have never even realized until now that you have some commitment issues. When responsibility starts drifting toward you, you have a tendency to swim the other way. As romantic as you are, you have a deep-seated terror of life becoming too predictable and mundane. You live for fantasy and glamour, Pisces. But alas, reality has a way of catching up to you and asking you if you’re ready to step up to the plate. This is your big decision in 2014: How far are you willing to go for love, and what would you be willing to sacrifice?
The North Node of Fate will move into the sign of relationships (Libra) close to your birthday for the remainder of the year, putting the emphasis on partnering. Considering how influenced you are by your environment, the coupling theme surrounding you is sure to feel contagious. You may find yourself longing for companionship despite your usual solitary bent. You can always make room for both in your life. Find a partner willing to give you that necessary downtime — or rework the parameters with your current mate. 2014 is the year for you to merge your dreams with your reality, Pisces.
